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£376 raised from stamps and coins so far!

James Noble

TWAM has been working with Xchange Master Limited for nearly a year, sending them any stamps and foreign or old coins that we receive, which they then sort through and pay us for.

Paul sorting through old coins that were donated to TWAM

Here is a message from Paul White, our Grants & Corporates Fundraising Volunteer, who sends off any stamps and coins that we receive in the centre:

''So the first thing to say is a huge thank you to all those supporting our fundraising by collecting used postage stamps and coins. You have raised £376 so far!

Breaking that down, TWAM has made £344 from the collection of coins and £32 from stamps. So thank you again to all those who have contributed. As more people get involved, the amount we raise will continue to grow.

Obviously, we hope that most people will want to send their donations directly to our partners Xchange Master Limited (contact them at, and they will send you everything you need), but if you are unable to, then please feel free to send them to us here at TWAM, and we will ensure they get to them.

After having been collecting and sending items in for a while now, there are a few things we have learned and would like to remind people to help us maximise the return we can get from this process:


  • Please minimise the amount of paper/card attached to the stamp (this reduces the weight and space used up when sending)

  • But please try and leave at least 1cm (a fingers width) of paper all the way around the stamp

  • Please do not cut too close - if the stamp is damaged or the perforations are cut off, the stamp is worthless

  • Please do not send printed stamps - they have no value

  • If possible (but not vital), please separate the stamps into different groups - British & Foreign (Channel Islands & Isle of Man count as foreign!)

  • If stamps are on a postcard, they are worth more to other charities as a complete postcard than to us as a solitary stamp, so either send them to direct to Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) or send them complete to us at TWAM and we will ensure they go to MAF

  • If you have First Day Covers, please do not remove the stamps but send the entire item to us - we can sell these elswhere


  • Please send any old British pre-decimal coins (including pennies)

  • All foreign Bank Notes, no matter how old

  • All foreign coins

Any other postal/coin related items may also have a value, but before you send them to us, please get in touch with Paul White (Grants & Corporate Fundraising Volunteer) to check if it is something we can use to raise funds. Paul can be contacted at TWAM by email at Once again, a huge thank you to you all for collecting. Don't forget that if you want to expand your collecting, you can also request a small display collection box (we have one here at TWAM HQ!) that is suitable for reception areas, offices, churches or community centres.''


Do you have any stamps or coins that you would like to donate to TWAM to help us raise funds? If so, get in touch with Xchange Master Limited by phone (0141 328 9357) or by email ( They will send you a pack containing a box, a Freepost envelope, and all instructions.

If you don't have any stamps or coins, but you would still like to support our work, we would always greatly appreciate a donation.


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We take a wide variety of tools. Click the button above for the full list of accepted tools, and to find your nearest local collector or drop-off point.

Our work is mostly done by volunteers, whether that's driving around collecting tools, refurbishing them, or helping out in the office. Have a look at our roles.

Support our work by covering the costs involved with putting together a tool kit, as a donation, or an alternative gift on behalf of a loved one.

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