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Empowering Women through Sewing: Angela's Story

James Noble

Meet Angela, a strong and determined single mother who is fighting to provide for her family. Angela's journey has been one of resilience and determination. As a single mother of six children, she struggled to make ends meet and provide for her family.

She worked long hours selling small food items like fritas and mineral water, but it was a constant struggle to earn enough money to support her family.

Despite the challenges she faced, Angela refused to give up on her dreams of providing a better life for her children. When her husband passed away in 2017, she knew she had to find a new way to support her family.

That's when she heard about the tailoring course offered by the Tabernacle of All Tribes group, who use TWAM tools to train vulnerable members of their community.

Angela enrolled in the course and started learning how to sew. She practised tirelessly, working hard to refine her skills until she was able to create beautiful clothes that she could sell to support her family.

"Some of my children have completed school, but I couldn't afford to send them to college, so they just sit at home or do piecework." Angela said.

Thanks to the sewing machine and training that she is receiving, Angela can now pursue her dream of starting her own business. She is confident that her newfound skills and her sewing machine will allow her to make clothes that she can sell to support her family.

"When I finish this course, I will look for a place in town where I can sit with my sewing machine. I will tell people about my business and hope to find contracts." Angela said.

Angela's story is a powerful reminder of the difference that training and tools can make in the lives of those in need. With the right resources and support, anyone can achieve their dreams and overcome even the most challenging obstacles. By supporting Tools with a Mission, you are helping people like Angela create a better future for themselves and their loved ones.


By donating just £25 today, you can help us cover the costs of collecting, refurbishing, and packing a sewing machine that will change the life of a trainee tailor, just like Angela. Your contribution can create opportunities for individuals and communities to build better futures, one stitch at a time. Join us in supporting livelihood creation through your donation today.


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